Herbal Products

Waking Up In Dreams

What exactly does waking up in dreams mean?  The experience is no doubt extremely different for everyone, but for me it has always been about becoming fully aware of the challenges, opportunities and lessons that are presented to me in the dream state.  By waking up...

Matricaria recutita

Matricaria recutita
English Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, Perennial Chamomile, Camphor Plant, Yellow Chamomile, Dryer’s Chamomile FAVORITE USE(S): For relaxing and calming mind and body and bringing deep, restful sleep FAVORITE TIME(S): Just before bed, or any time you feel stressed...

Induce Lucid Dreaming

In a few other articles I have discussed various techniques that one can use to induce lucid dreaming.  Now I would like to go over a few of the specific psychological techniques that have been developed to induce lucid dreaming.  There are a variety of different...

Withania somnifera

Withania somnifera
Ashwagandha, Agol (Ethiopian), Amkuram Kizhangu (Dravidian, “beautiful horse root”), Asgandh (Hindi), Hajarat el Dib (Arabic, “wolf tree”), Harhumbashir (Assyrian, “red  coral”), Henbane, Kakink (Pakistan), Marjan (Modern Arabic, “coral”), Sekran (Syrian,...

Lucid Dreaming Techniques

Lucid Dreaming Techniques
With the increasing popularity of lucid dreaming in the cultural consciousness, more and more lucid dreaming techniques are being developed or rediscovered by countless individuals who are seeking to gain greater control and understanding of the dream state.  I first...