Herbal Products

Tea To Sleep

If you have difficulties falling asleep or getting good quality sleep, you might consider taking a herbal tea to sleep. For people who are leery of taking prescription sleeping pills, which often have potentially dangerous side effects, a herbal tea to sleep has...

How To Lucid Dream Tonight

Lucid dreaming, in which the dreamer is able to recognize that they are in a dream state and are thus capable of being fully aware of and in control of their dream state, is a practice that generally takes a long time to develop.  However, many people want to know how...

Artemisia absinthum

Artemisia absinthum
Absint-alsem (Dutch), Absinthe, Ambrosia (Ancient Greek), Assenzio Vero (Italian), Gengibre Verde (Spanish, ‘green ginger’), Green Muse, Grune Fee (German, ‘green fairy’), Hierba Santa (Spanish, ‘sacred herb’), Rihan (Arabic), Sage of the Glaciers, Wermod (Saxon),...

Verbena Officinalis

Verbena Officinalis
Verbena, Vervain, Veneris Herba, Herba Sacra, Holy Wort, Druid’s Weed, Enchanter’s Plant, Juno’s Tears, Brittanica, Pigeon’s Grass, Pigeonwood, Simpler’s Joy, Ma Bian Cao FAVORITE USE(S): To induce powerful, prophetic dreams and to...

Tagetes lucida

Tagetes lucida
(Marigold, Yauhtli (‘the dark one’), Flor de Santa Maria, Hierba de Nube (‘cloud herb’), Sweet Mace, Mexican Tarragon) FAVORITE USE(S): For calming the mind and body and enhancing dreams FAVORITE TIME(S): 30 minutes – 1 hour before bed Tagetes lucida, or Mexican...