Herbal Products

Self Hypnosis

As the name suggests, self hypnosis is a type of hypnosis that you can learn to induce. Using a variety of autosuggestion techniques, it’s possible to put yourself into a state of deep relaxation and trance without any external help. This means you don’t need someone...

Theta State

What is the theta state? Scientists who study the brain, including those involved in the field of sleep science, use an EEG (electroencephalogram) to measure the electrical activity of neurons in the brain. Brainwaves refer to the various different oscillatory...

Carlos Castaneda

Carlos Castaneda was a well-known PhD anthropologist and author who published several books on shamanism and ancient Mesoamerican spirituality during the countercultural revolution of the 1960’s and ‘70s. He was awarded his doctorate (and later rose to fame) on the...

Relaxation Techniques

If you want to jump start your lucid dreaming abilities, manage the symptoms of chronic stress, or just get to sleep faster, practicing relaxation techniques can help you center yourself and achieve a deeper state of mental and physical calm. Many of the relaxation...

Auditory Hallucinations

Auditory hallucinations occur when you seem to perceive sounds without an external auditory stimulus. The medical term for auditory hallucinations is paracusia. While hallucinations of this type can sometimes be associated with medical conditions in the brain,...