Herbal Products

Valeriana officinalis

Valeriana officinalis
Valerian, Velandswurt FAVORITE USE(S): For stress reduction and inducing sleep FAVORITE TIME(S): About thirty minutes before bed time Valerian root is one of the most popular herbal supplements for helping to induce sleep on the market today.  Most anyone who has ever...

Verbena Officinalis

Verbena Officinalis
Verbena, Vervain, Veneris Herba, Herba Sacra, Holy Wort, Druid’s Weed, Enchanter’s Plant, Juno’s Tears, Brittanica, Pigeon’s Grass, Pigeonwood, Simpler’s Joy, Ma Bian Cao FAVORITE USE(S): To induce powerful, prophetic dreams and to...

Withania somnifera

Withania somnifera
Ashwagandha, Agol (Ethiopian), Amkuram Kizhangu (Dravidian, “beautiful horse root”), Asgandh (Hindi), Hajarat el Dib (Arabic, “wolf tree”), Harhumbashir (Assyrian, “red  coral”), Henbane, Kakink (Pakistan), Marjan (Modern Arabic, “coral”), Sekran (Syrian,...