Herbal Products

Vivid Dreams

Vivid dreams are those dreams which are so clear and lifelike that it may be difficult to distinguish them from reality.  Most people are familiar with vivid dreams, and have them at least a few times a month.  Other individuals are capable of having vivid dreams...

Verbena Officinalis

Verbena Officinalis
Verbena, Vervain, Veneris Herba, Herba Sacra, Holy Wort, Druid’s Weed, Enchanter’s Plant, Juno’s Tears, Brittanica, Pigeon’s Grass, Pigeonwood, Simpler’s Joy, Ma Bian Cao FAVORITE USE(S): To induce powerful, prophetic dreams and to...

Astral Projection

According to ancient traditions the world over, the soul or spirit has the ability to leave the physical body at certain times and to travel to other spaces and realms.  In modern times, this concept has come to be known as astral projection, or astral travel.  Astral...

Tagetes lucida

Tagetes lucida
(Marigold, Yauhtli (‘the dark one’), Flor de Santa Maria, Hierba de Nube (‘cloud herb’), Sweet Mace, Mexican Tarragon) FAVORITE USE(S): For calming the mind and body and enhancing dreams FAVORITE TIME(S): 30 minutes – 1 hour before bed Tagetes lucida, or Mexican...

Flying Dreams Meaning

One of the most common themes that individuals report experiencing in their dreams states is that of flying.  Flying dreams are particularly dramatic and interesting because they represent such an obvious break from the waking world.  Those people who have these sorts...