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How To Get Lucid Dreams

There are literally thousands of books and websites out there with information on how to get lucid dreams. On this site, I’ve recommended exploiting your REM cycle by waking up at different times, letting yourself wake up naturally, and improving your recall as ways...

What Is A Lucid Dream?

The ability to become conscious in a dream, called lucid dreaming, is a phenomenon that has been recognized by different cultures throughout recorded history. However, if you are just becoming familiar with the field of lucid dreaming, the first thing you might ask...

Is Lucid Dreaming Real?

If you’re new to the idea of lucid dreaming, one of the first things you might ask as a visitor to our site might be, “Is lucid dreaming real?” The idea of being able to consciously experience and control your dreams might seem fantastical, almost too good to be true,...

Wake Induced Lucid Dreams

Wake induced lucid dreams are dreams that a person enters from a waking state without seeming to lose conscious awareness. Wake induced lucid dreams are one of two categories of lucid dreams; the second is the dream-induced lucid dream, which starts as a normal dream...

How To Lucid Dream

The practice of lucid dreaming is something that is becoming more and more popular as people become more aware of the potential power that is contained within the mind and that becomes available during the dream state.  These days, it is easy to find lots of books and...